The People

two scorpios and an aires.

Friede, Shayla & Ryan  bouncing out in the old truck heading on a wildcrafting adventure.
Friede, Shayla & Ryan bouncing out in the old truck heading on a wildcrafting adventure.

Modern Medicine Botanicals is a family run herbal business based in Ithaca, NY.

Friede Sander is the multi-passionate herbalist, artist & educator, who is the main squeeze here at Modern Medicine. She grew up on the rocky north shore of Lake Superior and started her herbal journey with Chrysta Fay in the desert outside Tucson gathering creosote in the southern sun.

In 2010, a tarot reading led her to Ithaca, NY where she studied & apprenticed with 7 Song at the NE School of Botanical Medicine and then with both Kris Miller and Tammi Sweet at Heartstone Herbal School. 

Although Friede has mentioned both astrology and tarot thus far, her students say:

“Friede is rad! She’s the perfect blend of everything I could see of myself being an herbalist. It is good to have different personalities that are not the stereotypical hippy-dippy herbalist.”  

Friede believes that many things can be true at once.  

Ryan Clover is a multi-passionate web designer, facilitator, writer, DJ, and home herbalist. Having lived almost his entire life in the finger lakes region of NY, he is inspired by the dramatic seasons and the stories plants in deciduous forests, meadows, valleys, and swamps have to teach us. Ryan is in charge of all things tech related here at Modern Medicine. He loves to teach people stuff about websites too, so check out his web work at

Shayla Louise Tooterscoot has one passion and that is mousing. She would happily spend her entire day with her head in a hole digging for rodents. Her job at Modern Medicine is work moderator. Using her skill as a human empath she urges all staff to vacate the premises for an hour long walk on a daily basis. 

check out our Wildcrafting photo gallery

for your viewing pleasure.

Searching for Reishi... Found!
Searching for Reishi... Found!
Creosote bush, Larrea, growing in Tucson. First plant I ever harvested (Friede here)
Creosote bush, Larrea, growing in Tucson. First plant I ever harvested (Friede here)
Just enjoying the view from the Apple tree...
Just enjoying the view from the Apple tree...
Beautiful milk weed at the shabin garden.
Beautiful milk weed at the shabin garden.
Fresh second flush nettles!
Fresh second flush nettles!
Harvesting yarrow on Lake Superior's north shore.
Harvesting yarrow on Lake Superior's north shore.
Blood root blooming in the early spring at the dog park.
Blood root blooming in the early spring at the dog park.
Dance break!
Dance break!
Family portrait while gathering wild plumbs.
Family portrait while gathering wild plumbs.
Processing milky oats from dear Apple's organic field.
Processing milky oats from dear Apple's organic field.
Shayla sneaking up while Ryan snaps a photo.
Shayla sneaking up while Ryan snaps a photo.
Bountiful ditch side herbalism!
Bountiful ditch side herbalism!

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